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  • Msg = published data that is signed and shareable
  • Msg hash = hash(msg.metadata)
  • Tangle = any single-root DAG of msgs that can be replicated by peers
  • Tangle Root = the origin msg of a tangle
  • Tangle Affix = any msg in a tangle that is not the root
  • Tangle Tips = tangle msgs that are not yet referenced by any other msg in the tangle
  • Tangle ID = Msg hash of the tangle's root msg
  • Account tangle = tangle with msgs that add (or remove?) asymmetric-crypto public keys
  • Account ID = tangle ID of the account tangle, refers to a person or a group
  • Moot = the "virtual root" of a tangle. The moot is a msg that is deterministically predictable and empty, so to allow others to pre-know its hash. It never needs to be stored in disk nor transmitted via network, since it can be recreated on the fly
  • Feed = tangle with msgs authored by (any pubkey in) an account under a certain "domain", beginning from a moot
  • Feed ID = ID of a feed (Msg ID of the feed's moot)